Details about the Diagram Converter

The diagram converter converts BPMN diagrams for Camunda Platform 7 into diagrams for Camunda Platform 8.

As there are architectural differences between Camunda Platform 7 and Camunda Platform 8, there are some situations where you have add additional informations to the converted process model before you can deploy it successfully, for example in Message recieve events.


When you upload a file, you will see the process diagram with overlays from the property info plugin. This should give a first glance about the usage of execution and task listeners or other hidden configurations.

After pressing a button, the results from the diagram checks are shown below the diagram. The results consist of INFO , REVIEW, TASK and WARNING output.

The results are shown in two different ways. By default the user friendly table is opened. As an alternative, a machine readable JSON format is available below.


You have different options to use the online diagram converter.

Pressing Check only displays the result of the check. The colors of the check results get applied to diagram as well. Blue for REVIEW , yellow for TASK and WARNING. As a rule of thumb, the more yellow your diagram gets, the more you have to double-check and amend the conversion result.

When you convert and download the uploaded diagram, you will find a new file with the prefix c8-converted-<original filename> in your download folder.

You can download the check result as a CSV file for further project management or effort estimation. The diagram is not converted.

All messages from the check will be added in a conversion namespace to the converted diagram. As this is only available in the XML view, you add the check messages additional to the documentation sections of each element. It allows to see the messages in property panel of the Camunda Modeler or with the property info plugin as overlays in the diagram.